Incense: self sacrificing and scent scattering
I have always liked incense, I have always liked candles, I guess if Im being honest, Ive always liked anything with fire. I think it’s instinctual for humans to be drawn to fire, a primal urge. In a controlled setting it can be so calm and meditative. However, the second it gets out of control, it becomes destructive, menacing, and just straight up terrifying.
Im writing this about a week after the massive fires swept through parts of LA. Destroying homes, lives, memories, and massive amounts of investment. California has notoriously sucked when it comes to fire management, I think that’s a well known fact. The old saying of, “log it, graze it, or burn it” is completely lost on Californias “upper management”. They prefer to suppress it, and suppress it, and suppress it, until it ends in a catastrophic wildfire. Nice work guys!
Im not really a skeptical person. However, I am an analytical person. It doesn’t take much analyzing to recognize that what just happened in LA is not natural. Something else was happening there, something sinister. Something directed by humans. Something that through the destruction of “smaller people” a “larger person” was being rewarded. I can’t help but think this with many of the tragedies and fuckery that is occurring in our world and country. Not just now, but since the dawn of greed. Humans will notoriously destroy whatever lies in their path to enact upon their own greed. Okay that’s enough of that. This post is about incense.
Like I said, I have always loved incense. I remember my mother burning incense when we were younger. It wasn’t a spiritual thing, but more so just an alternative to candles. I loved to watch the streams of smoke rise from the sticks and almost evaporate into the air. Filling the room with that sharp but relaxing smell. I go in waves with using incense in my own home. But lately, I have been straight up barreled in the world of incense, tubed, fuckin pitted.
Lately I have been into the collections of incense from a company called AGARIC FLY. I don’t know how to describe AF other than like the SUPREME of the incense world. They’re incense for hype beasts rather than for trustafarrian, Whole Foods dwelling fake hippies. I don’t know if that’s better or worse. But, this shit is nice. All of their incense is hand dipped in Australia. It’s made from natural ingredients and burns for long durations. Most of their sticks burn for 45 minutes. they smoke initially but the smoke eventually almost completely goes away. They burn so cleanly that you're left with just the aroma. No lingering smoke. No sharp burning smell. They’re bomb.
The next company Ive been messing around with is a quite popular and well known one, Sea Witch Botanicals. These incense are great as well. Just a classic incense. No hype. But made from natural ingredients as well. Another great option. One that doesn’t have to be imported from Australia.
Other than the shitty incense you find at gas stations or “hippie supply” places, these two are the only “nice” incense I have tried thus far. My quest continues. But until then, I have about 100 sticks of AGARIC FLY to burn through, and Im very stoked on that.